by admin | Apr 11, 2017 | Healthy lifestyle
Let’s face it: The only way to get fitter and healthier (and therefore slimmer) is to swap out all the “unhealthy” habits and routines and replace them with “healthy” ones! Forget fad diets and trendy exercise regimes because the...
by admin | Mar 31, 2017 | Exercise and fitness, Healthy lifestyle, Weight loss
With Spring well and truly here, you can bet there’ll soon be the latest quick fix diets and trendy exercise regimes spread all across the papers and magazines promising a supermodel body in the flash of an eye with a couple of wobbly workouts and a glass of...
by admin | Mar 2, 2017 | Healthy lifestyle, Mindset and motivation
Great tips to BOOST motivation and REDUCE temptation If you are trying to get a bit slimmer, fitter and healthier, the hardest thing, bar NONE is stay motivated enough to overcome temptation. You can have all the diet books in the world at your fingertips but when...
by admin | Feb 3, 2017 | Healthy lifestyle
When you’re trying to lose some weight and get fitter, it’s really important to pay some attention to your mind as well – that’s why New In 90 puts a lot of emphasis on meditation to help you lead a more stress-free life. So what is it, why is...
by admin | Jan 2, 2017 | Healthy lifestyle, Weight loss
We’ve all fallen for the diet industry’s hype! They’ve managed to instill into us a general belief that the key to weight loss is obsessive calorie counting for a fixed period of time…leading to the oft-used expression “go on a...
by admin | Nov 30, 2016 | Healthy lifestyle
Over the next few weeks, most of us will over eat and drink…after all it’s the festive season right? Eat, drink and be merry! There’s lots of TV ads showing very happy families sitting down at tables laden with glorious looking food and drink and we...